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CEA Technologies, an Australian defence contractor; China Eastern Airlines, based in Shanghai, People's Republic of China; Government bodies or offices. Central Electricity Authority, in charge of the electricity supply industry in England and Wales between 1954 and 1957 Cea Sunrise Person ( 英语 : Cea Sunrise Person ) ,加拿大作家及前模特兒。 地名. 塞亚(Cea),西班牙莱昂的地名; 塞阿河(Cea),西班牙河流; 凱阿島,愛琴海島嶼。 科斯岛(Kos)的古名。 商業. Cambridge Environmental Assessments ( 英语 : Cambridge Environmental Assessments ) Reverse engineering framework in Python. Contribute to cea-sec/miasm development by creating an account on GitHub. Established by Congress in 1946, the Council of Economic Advisers is charged with advising the President on economic policy based on data, research, and evidence. The CEA is composed of three One of three institutes which comprise CEA Tech, the List institute is committed to technological innovation in digital systems.Its R&D activities - driven by major economic, societal and industrial challenges - encompass four main themes: factory of the future, cyber-physical systems, artificial intelligence and digital health. 癌胚抗原(cea)是一种具有人类胚胎抗原决定因素的酸性糖蛋白.主要存在于胚胎期胎儿的胃肠道、胰腺和肝脏.出生后组织中cea含量很低.癌胚抗原是一种广谱肿瘤标志物,与多种肿瘤,特别是消化系统肿瘤有关.对结肠癌的诊断有重要意义.cea的正常范围小于5 ug/l.
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