将docker compose文件下载为sawtooth-default.yaml
Docker Compose 菜鸟教程
Copyright (c) 2018 Bitwise IO, Inc. # Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. # https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.Missing: 将 文件 下载 为 default. docker compose yaml文件详解 Compose和Docker兼容性: Compose 文件格式有3个版本,分别为1, 2.x 和 3.x 目前主流的为 3.x 其支持 docker 1.13.0 及其以上的版本 常用参数: version # 指定 compose 文件的版本 services # 定义所有的 service 信息, services 下面的第一级别的 key 既是一个 service 的名称 build # 指定包含构建上下文的 docker-compose-f xxx -f xxxx :会将多个compose,yaml文件 合并到一起 当指定了多个文件时(包括没指定-f但同时存在docker-compose.yml和docker-compose.override.yml文件),Compose会将多个文件合并成一个配置文件,合并的结果与指定文件的顺序有关。合并有两种操作,没有的添加,相同 Compose 文件的默认路径是 ./docker-compose.yml 提示:可以是用 .yml 或 .yaml 作为文件扩展名 服务(service)定义包含应用于为该服务启动的每个容器的配置,就像传递命令行参数给docker container create一样。 compose 文件是一个定义服务、 网络和卷的 YAML 文件 。Compose 文件的默认路径是 ./docker-compose.yml. 提示:可以是用 .yml 或 .yaml 作为文件扩展名. 服务定义包含应用于为该服务启动的每个容器的配置,就像传递命令行参数一样 docker container create。 Docker Compose Compose 简介 Compose 是用于定义和运行多容器 Docker 应用程序的工具。通过 Compose,您可以使用 YML 文件来配置应用程序需要的所有服务。然后,使用一个命令,就可以从 YML 文件配置中创建并启动所有服务。 如果你还不了解 YML 文件配置,可以先阅读 YAML
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6/3/2018 · From the first paragraph of the introduction to hyperldeger sawtooth documentation: Hyperledger Sawtooth is an enterprise blockchain platform for building distributed ledger applications and networks. The design philosophy targets keeping ledgers distributed and making smart contracts safe, particularly for enterprise use. It’s an ambitious open source distributed ledger framework that aims You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. to refresh your session. With a good internet connection, all modules are pulled quickly as docker-compose is run and you can see the colourful output on your command line. Experimenting with the Integer Key. Run the following command in the docker terminal to enter into the shell environment. docker exec -it sawtooth-shell-default bash 8080 is a common port for HTTP services, and is likely to cause collisions. 8008 is similarly derived from the default HTTP port (80), is much less likely to collide, and happens to be twice the de @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ registering and creating initial blocks you can move on to the next step code-block:: console: Attaching to sawtooth-validator-default, sawtooth-xo-tp-python-default, sawtooth-tp_intkey_python-default, sawtooth-rest_api-default, sawtooth-settings-tp-default, sawtooth-client-defaultAttaching to sawtooth-validator-default, sawtooth-xo-tp-python-default, sawtooth-intkey-tp タイトル 【ブロックチェーン技術に興味のあるエンジニア対象】bitFlyer Drink Meetup! #9 - connpass (2017.11.30) bitflyer.connpass.com 主催 bitFlyer 会場 株式会社bitFlyer 本社 東京都港区赤坂 9‐7‐1 ミッドタウン・タワー 8F 全体の感想など 11/28 から 11/30 までの直近3日間だけで POSレジでの決済サービス開始 *1 この投稿は 「ブロックチェーン Advent Calendar 2017 - Qiita」 の 17日目の記事です。こんにちは akiyoko です。 はじめに 仮想通貨やブロックチェーンの昨今の盛り上がりにより、ブロックチェーンの情報が本やインターネットで簡単に手に入るようになってきました。
Overview of Docker Compose Docker Documentation
Copyright (c) 2018 Bitwise IO, Inc. # Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. # https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.Missing: 将 文件 下载 为 default. docker compose yaml文件详解 Compose和Docker兼容性: Compose 文件格式有3个版本,分别为1, 2.x 和 3.x 目前主流的为 3.x 其支持 docker 1.13.0 及其以上的版本 常用参数: version # 指定 compose 文件的版本 services # 定义所有的 service 信息, services 下面的第一级别的 key 既是一个 service 的名称 build # 指定包含构建上下文的
Share Compose configurations between files and projects ...
如果使用`docker-compose up -d`将会在后台启动并运行所有的容器。一般推荐生产环境下使用该选项。 默认情况,如果服务容器已经存在,`docker-compose up` 将会尝试停止容器,然后重新创建(保持使用 volumes-from 挂载的卷),以保证新启动的服务匹配 `docker-compose.yml` 文件的最新内容。 网络连接问题 1. 如何连接未在 docker-compose.yaml 中声明的服务? 创建一个专属网络 web-net ,并将已存在的容器添加进来 docker network create web-net # 除了使用命令链接,也可以在容器创建时指定 -- 对于 linux 系统,需要自己手动安装,可以直接下载二进制文件安装,参考官方文档,更酷的是,可以直接使用 pip 安装,甚至可以使用 docker-compose 容器(比较复杂,不推荐~)。 二:简介. 类似 docker 的Dockerfile文件,docker-compose使用 YAML 文件对容器进行管理。 docker-compose kill eureka pull:下载服务镜像; scale:设置指定服务运气容器的个数,以 service=num 形式指定; docker-compose scale user=3 movie=3 run:在一个服务上执行一个命令; docker-compose run web bash docker-compose.yml 属性. version:指定 docker-compose.yml 文件的写法格式; services:多个 docker-compose logs nginx 查看nginx的日志 docker-compose logs -f nginx 查看nginx的实时日志 docker-compose config -q 验证(docker-compose.yml)文件配置,当配置正确时,不输出任何内容,当文件配置错误,输出错误信息。 docker-compose安装可以参考官方文档:Install Docker Compose. 2.1. macOs. Docker Desktop for Mac 和 Docker Toolbox 已集成了docker-compose, 所以只要安装了docker是不需要安装的,直接就可以用。 2.2. Linux. 在Linux系统中,可以通过源码来安装docker-compose. 从github下载最新版docker-compose 本文我们通过一个简单的 demo 来介绍 Docker Compose 的基本用法。说明:本文的演示环境为 ubuntu 16.04。本文的演示代码可以从 github 上下载。 安装 Docker Compose. 安装 Docker Compose 前请先在本地安装 Docker。 Docker Compose 的安装十分简单,在 ubuntu 中直接把可执行文件下载
Modificare la directory di lavoro nella stessa directory in cui è salvato il file Docker Compose sawtooth-default.yaml. Nota: assicurarsi di non avere altro in esecuzione sulla porta 8008 o sulla porta 4004. Inoltre, assicurati che Docker sia in esecuzione sul dispositivo prima di eseguire i comandi di questa sezione. Sawtooth; STL-228; Rename compose file sawtooth-demo.yaml to sawtooth-default.yaml 6/3/2018 · From the first paragraph of the introduction to hyperldeger sawtooth documentation: Hyperledger Sawtooth is an enterprise blockchain platform for building distributed ledger applications and networks. The design philosophy targets keeping ledgers distributed and making smart contracts safe, particularly for enterprise use. It’s an ambitious open source distributed ledger framework that aims You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. to refresh your session. With a good internet connection, all modules are pulled quickly as docker-compose is run and you can see the colourful output on your command line. Experimenting with the Integer Key. Run the following command in the docker terminal to enter into the shell environment. docker exec -it sawtooth-shell-default bash 8080 is a common port for HTTP services, and is likely to cause collisions. 8008 is similarly derived from the default HTTP port (80), is much less likely to collide, and happens to be twice the de @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ registering and creating initial blocks you can move on to the next step code-block:: console: Attaching to sawtooth-validator-default, sawtooth-xo-tp-python-default, sawtooth-tp_intkey_python-default, sawtooth-rest_api-default, sawtooth-settings-tp-default, sawtooth-client-defaultAttaching to sawtooth-validator-default, sawtooth-xo-tp-python-default, sawtooth-intkey-tp
A TopTal post on Spring Boot rest API error handling here gives a foundation on error handling with Spring Boot. This article will focus on using error codes for Aquí nos gustaría mostrarte una descripción, pero el sitio web que estás mirando no lo permite. Can I connect a transaction processor to the validator running in a Docker container? Yes. The docker-compose.yaml needs the following lines for the validator container (which maps Docker container TCP port 4004 to external port 4040):. expose: - 4004 ports: - '4040:4004' Then connect your transaction processor to port tcp://localhost:4040 If the port is mapped to 4004 (that is, not mapped to Modificare la directory di lavoro nella stessa directory in cui è salvato il file Docker Compose sawtooth-default.yaml. Nota: assicurarsi di non avere altro in esecuzione sulla porta 8008 o sulla porta 4004. Inoltre, assicurati che Docker sia in esecuzione sul dispositivo prima di eseguire i comandi di questa sezione. Sawtooth; STL-228; Rename compose file sawtooth-demo.yaml to sawtooth-default.yaml 6/3/2018 · From the first paragraph of the introduction to hyperldeger sawtooth documentation: Hyperledger Sawtooth is an enterprise blockchain platform for building distributed ledger applications and networks. The design philosophy targets keeping ledgers distributed and making smart contracts safe, particularly for enterprise use. It’s an ambitious open source distributed ledger framework that aims
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