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1- Go to my Documents and remove BF4 folder place it on your Desktop or trash. 2- Be warned you do have to set up your in game settings again. 3-Repair BF4 4- When done go test your game. If it fails reboot your PC and run repair game again and test BF4. The start of the single player campaign from the PC version of Battlefield 4. Note that my aim constantly jumping around when under fire is part of the game' Anti-cheat community offering full support for PunkBuster enabled games including a global ban list for server admins and leagues. Our PBBans Hub now offers multi-streaming and live banning for all Punkbuster supported games. Join our friendly community today. 战地4通关存档是玩家纯手工打造的一款同名游戏pc版存档文件,已经全部通关,让玩家可以随时随地挑战任意的关卡,想要体验的朋友可抢先下载。使用方法:1、下载解压缩;2、复制战地4存档到游戏存档目录下覆盖即可;3、存档目录一般为:【C:\Users\用户名\Documents\Battlefield 4】 Provides the solution to the lantern puzzle, ensures that all lanterns are lit with the correct button combination. Also is able to decode the morse code from the flashing lantern to get the individual unlock code. If you have trouble with morse decoding, search youtube for "bf4 lantern calibration" and adjust monitor brightness / ambient room lighting for more accurate results.

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